Stress test XWiki for subwikis creations


I need to know how many subwikis can XWiki support without freezing or crashing. I prepared some kind of stress test (note that I’m not familiar with these kind of things) in order to massively create subwikis into a XWiki instance. By massively, I mean 1000 which seems to be sufficient (you will see that in the results).

My XWiki instance (5.3-milestone-2) is a local instance, on the 8080 port, runned on Jetty with HSQLDB.

Since my first method doesn’t work pretty well, I tried a second way to do this stress test but which may have a bias of measure.

First method - Velocity script called by a curl request

The Velocity script is using the wiki service which is new in the 5.3 version of XWiki. With this service, you can do a lot of interesting things:

  • exists(String) - Test the existence of subwiki

  • getById(String) - To get the wiki descriptor

  • createWiki(String, String, String, boolean) - Create a new wiki

This is the Velocity code I used and stored into WikiStressTestCode/FromRequest. The page take a HTTP request in entry with two parameters: * wikiname - the name of the created wiki * wikinumber - the number of the created wiki (useful for a stress test)

#set($wikiName = $!request.getParameter('wikiname'))
#set($wikiNumber = $!request.getParameter('wikinumber'))
#set($wikiId = "$!wikiName$!wikiNumber")
#set($wikiName = 'Null')
#set($wikiNumber = 0)
#set($wikiId = 'null')
#set($wiki = $$wikiId))
#set($wiki = $$wikiId, $wikiId, 'xwiki:XWiki.Admin', true))
#set($wikiPrettyName = "Wiki $wikiName #$wikiNumber ")
#set($discard = $wiki.setPrettyName($wikiPrettyName))
#set($wikiDescription = "Wiki $wikiName #$wikiNumber created for the stress test")
#set($discard = $wiki.setDescription($wikiDescription))
#set($discard = $$wiki))
#set($discard = $response.sendError(404, 'Error in creating the wiki'))

After this page has been created, you can call the page with a curl request as following;


if [ $# -ge 1 ]
if [ $# -ge 2 ]

curl \
	--silent \
	--show-error \
	--user Admin:admin \
	-F "wikiname="$NAME \
	-F "wikinumber="$NUMBER \
	-o data/$NAME.html \

This file only create one request and take the number and the name as optional parameters.

I call the script into a loop from a second script file This second script file will measure the time of each request in order to observe the evolution of the time to create a new subwiki.


if [ -f $LOG_FILE ]
if [ $# -ge 1 ]

for num in `seq 1 $TEST_NUMBER`
	echo -n "Creating wiki "$Name" #$num..."
	/usr/bin/time --format=%e --output=$LOG_FILE --append ./ $num $NAME
	TIME=`tail -n 1 $LOG_FILE`
	echo " ("$TIME"s)"

And now, this is the result of this first method.

Result of the Method 1

As you can see, around 250 creations, XWiki seems to not respond. And I can check on XWiki that the first 250 subwikis have been created but not the others. I suspect the indexation of either Lucene or Solr to be too much loaded and freezing the whole wiki.

Second method - Groovy script

The Groovy script in WikiStressTestCode.InsideGroovy is merely doing the same as the Velocity script of the first method. However, it is not responding to a request but creating is own loop for the creation of the wikis. The problem of this method is that as long as the page is processing the iteration, the page is loading and there is no possibility to know the state of the loop (like “How many iteration there is?”).

This tricky part is done by writting the processing to a second page called WikiStressTestCode.InsideGroovyResults.

The second problem is to measure the time of execution. This is done in Groovy by using System.currentTimeMillis().

String wikiName = "test";
int testNumber = 1000;
resultsPage = xwiki.getDocument("WikiStressTestCode", "InsideGroovyResults");
int wikiNumber = 1;
while(wikiNumber <= testNumber) {
	begin = System.currentTimeMillis();
	String wikiId = String.format("%s%s", wikiName, wikiNumber);
	if( {
	wiki =;
	} else {
	wiki =, wikiId, "xwiki:XWiki.Admin", true);
	if(wiki) {
	String wikiPrettyName = String.format("Wiki %s #%s", wikiName, wikiNumber);
	String wikiDescription = String.format("Wiki %s #%s created for the stress test", wikiName, wikiNumber);
	wikiNumber = wikiNumber + 1;
	end = System.currentTimeMillis();
	String time = String.format("%d", end-begin);
	resultsPageContent = resultsPage.getContent();
	resultsPage.setContent(String.format("%s\n%s", resultsPageContent, time));;

To create an image, I can now load the page WikiStressTestCode.InsideGroovyResults to get all measured times.

And now, this is the result of this second method.

Result of the Method 2

As you can see, I was not able to create my 1000 wikis. Almost 700 and crashed. First of all, the evolution seems to be as an exponential law, which is a bad news! However, we could level this conclusion given the fact that all subwikis are created in the same page: it is possible that the context of execution is growing (in memory) with a consequence on the subwikis creation. To simplify, the exponential law may be the consequence of my stress test and not from XWiki (or maybe both!).


You can find the XWiki code that has been used and scripts here:

On a server, you will probably be able to create around 1000 subwikis but the basic stress tests that I have made show that improvements should be done on XWiki before going further. Another method that I have not tested and would probably be the best for stress testing is to use JMeter.

