
Who am I?

I’m Jean SIMARD, I’m passionate about computer programming. I believe I started this journey creating programs on my Casio 100 on which my first real accomplishment was some sort of 3D engine to render graphically functions with 2 variables. Then a friend helped me start coding in Turbo Pascal. This is when I started University and studied Computer Sciences.

University was the opportunity to jump in the Linux world and open source communities. I actually became fond of LaTeX at University thanks to a signal processing teacher. And I obviously learned tons of stuff about computers and programming.

Later on, I was able to find a job in a company which edits an excellent open-source wiki solution: XWiki. This was my Java period, but it was also the time when I understood much more about programming communities, usefulness of testing and documenting (thanks you Vincent), agility and hacking (thank you Caleb) and probably a lot of other things.

My pseudo story?

In French (I am French), Jean is sometimes associated with Le Conte de Jeannot Lapin which in English is called The Tale of Benjamin Bunny. This is where come from one of my surname, lapin (which means “rabbit” in English).

But then why woshilapin? Well, you can split it in wo-shi-lapin. Now that you know about lapin, wo-shi actually is the Pinyin transcription of the Chinese 我是 meaning “I am”. So woshilapin means “I am rabbit” litterally. But now I guess you’re wondering why Chinese? That is something you’ll have to find out by knowing me personally I guess!

Why the name of the blog?

As you noticed, the name of the blog is “In the Rabbit Hole”, hosted on hole.tuziwo.info. Since you now know about my pseudo, I guess the name of the blog is pretty obvious. Maybe the less obvious part is the domain name on which it is hosted: tuziwo. Here again, tuziwo is the Pinyin transcription of the Chinese 兔子窝 meaning “Rabbit Hole”.

